South America

Reflecting on 2013

What an amazing year 2013 has been.  I still wake up every morning with a big wide grin. I have had some low points and some scary moments but overall I am having the most marvelous adventure. I made this happen.  I quit my job, I sold the majority of my possessions...

The Colca Canyon and a Christmas Adventure

Chocolatada kicked off my Christmas adventure. This occasion is the highlight of the year for many of the children in our NGO and for days leading up to the big event, volunteers had been wrapping presents and labelling goody bags, the volunteer house full of debates...

Happy Christmas and a Peaceful New Year

Christmas is approaching fast but it all seems so far removed as the sun here in Peru is getting hotter every day and plans are afoot for a three week break from our work.By the time you read this I will be on the road, although I am not entirely sure where I will end...

Trujillo and its surrounding area

The Plaza de Armas – the main square in Trujillo is a stone’s throw away from where I am currently living in a home-stay.  The massive square is dominated by a large central sculpture with fountains and statues and is surrounded by vividly coloured buildings which...

First Impressions

The volunteer house which lies behind a wooden door set within a high wall is a crazy place.  The building is a rabbit warren of rooms which scootle off in all directions and it is full of people and noise. A wooden staircase climbs up to the bedrooms on the first...

Out and about in Lima

I set off to meet Kimi the lady who I had met on the cliffs earlier that day. With all the scare stories crowding into my mind about accepting invitations from strangers, I nervously waited for her, but  I needn’t have worried about going into her house as she turned...

The Fog

The plane landed in the fog that is so peculiar to Lima. Carmen who was sat next to me on the plane explained that for up to nine months of the year Lima huddles under this grey blanket which is know as the garua fog. Forming over the region it swirls around casting a...

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