South America
Travel Tippets
Whilst I shall still endeavor to update my main posts every Tuesday, my site needs to evolve. My main posts will cover my travels and personal thoughts as before, but I will post shorter, additional entries in more immediate response to the situation on the ground. ...
Funky Facts #2 Trujillo, PERU
Here are some more of my musings on the variety that is South America. Read about the street food, the security and the wheelbarrow boys in this, the second in my series of Funky Facts. 1. Wheelbarrow boys At the local market there is no need to lug heavy bags home...
How I cured my fear of heights
Climb into the back of a monster 4X4 pick up truck. Hang on tight. Ignore the fact that you only met the five Peruvian men who are sat in the cab half an hour ago. There is only one rough single track down the mountain and it took the combi nearly an hour to...
Bloomin’ Technology.
Last weekend I was sat on thirty hours worth of buses over a period of two days so that I could get from Peru to Ecuador – and in the week prior to that, I spent approximately another fifteen hours on buses and crammed in vans. I used the time wisely and wrote up my...
…moving on
As you read this I will hopefully be somewhere in the Andes on a little adventure with some of my friends from the NGO. I can't believe how quickly the last three months have gone working with the NGO. Peru has got under my skin and whilst it would be so nice to stay...
Peru – The Country Which has Branded Itself
Whilst I have always dreamed of coming to Peru I have to admit to being pretty ignorant about what is here to see and do. I knew of course about Machu Picchu and that there are vast areas of jungle here. I knew that the cities would be chaotic and that there would...
Otusco and Getting into Peru
A day out to Otusco It was time for another mini adventure so this weekend myself and M decided to take ourselves off to the Andean town of Otusco. Billed as the Faith Capital of Peru the guidebooks and friends recommended that we should go and see the statue of the...
New Year by the Lake
Arriving in La Paz in the middle of a rainstorm I was reunited with BF and waved goodbye to M for a week or so. Plenty of cities look similar to each other but the geographical appearance of La Paz must be unique. Picture a paper cone – the sort that chips come in...
10 Funky Facts #1PERU
It crept up on me, without me realising what had happened until it was too late. The weird and wonderful things that just two months ago had seemed so alien had suddenly become normal. Here is a Top Ten of things that you may not know about Peru 1. Washing up liquid...
Machu Picchu and Christmas
The town of Cusco centres around its main square the Plaza de Armas and radiates upwards and outwards on three sides. Deep red terracotta tiled roofs march up the steep hillsides whilst dark skinned small people stroll around bent under their heavy loads. Everybody...