Work hard, play hard – a Catalan summer #1

Farming and fiestas.

Work hard and play hard.  That seems to be the motto and ethic of the majority of Catalans the region in Spain where I spent my summer.  Fruit and nut trees grow where the River Ebro has formed plains at the foot of the mountains and the climate is perfect for vines.  The coastline has miles and miles of amazing beaches and the region is littered with Roman (and earlier) remains, churches and gravity defying terraces which stretch upwards into the hillsides.

Scarlet Jones Travels: food of the gods

I was living in a proper working village – where the community is still very much alive and kicking.  The buzz and hum of tractors, forklift trucks and lorries are there; as are scents of one sort of another – peaches, apples or almond blossom fill the air at their respective times of the year.  The elderly residents are gnarled and sun-browned, a lifetime of hard physical work obviously doing them no damage at all and they now sit outside their front doors watching the world go by.  Many of these people were some of those who took to the mountains as children and hid with their families when the last days of the civil war played out around them.

Scarlet Jones Travels: the cherry harvest

Rugs with piles of almonds laid out to dry are spread in the tiled streets outside front doors and crate loads of fruit can be seen piled up alongside the refrigerated distribution centres waiting to be taken up to the markets in Tarragona or Barcelona, and everybody gets up at the crack of dawn and it’s all hands to the deck to pick and harvest when the crops suddenly ripen or when winds or rain are forecast.

Scarlet Jones Travels: drying almonds

I began my summer here in Catalunya helping friends out with their cherry harvest – which is always a pleasurable experience although this year’s crop was especially poor; and then the peas and the beans arrived – with the sweet sugar snap peas hardly requiring any cooking at all; and the apricots, peaches and greengages.  I have NEVER had a shop bought apricot taste as sweet as those plucked direct from the tree for breakfast.

Scarlet Jones Travels: concentrating on the crop

I helped to prepare and dry countless trays of cherries and plums and I sun-dried tomatoes – although I guess technically they weren’t sun dried at all as I used a drying machine, and I soaked them in garlic and olive oil trapping the summer flavours, and sprinkled others with salt and basil eating them like sweets throughout the day.

Chillies were hung up on strings to dry, chopped and soused in vinegar or cooked up into the most amazing pepper and mango sauces; and then the tomatoes arrived.  They were to prove the bane of my life, as every fresh batch that ripened seemed to coincide with either heavy winds which flattened the canes or sudden thunderstorms which saturated the ground and caused the fruit to explode.  There were green tomatoes, plum tomatoes and yellow light bulb shaped tomatoes as well as currant tomatoes and your bog-standard ordinary ones too.

Scarlet Jones Travels: tomatoes

I chopped and dried, boiled and bubbled, I made salsa and I ate gazpacho every day through the summer.  I was taught how to cook spaghetti squash (recipe at the end of the article) and I marvelled how on earth a courgette which was just 3 centimeters long one day and hiding in the shade of the leaves could suddenly turn into a marrow the next.

Scarlet Jones Travels: I can put together a supper from these

Sadly the apple harvest, like the tomatoes didn’t fair too well with the high winds and tons fell from the trees, with the majority also damaged by wormy things.  The figs, which began slowly, with the tree producing about 6 ripe fruits per day – just enough for my breakfast – suddenly exploded in sweet, sticky sappyness and I was hard pressed to keep up with those.  I discovered that there was a fine line between unripe figs, perfect figs, figs with a maggot in and those which contained a mass of tiny little beetles which abandoned the fruit as you picked them and ran up your arms, resembling something like the scene with the scarab beetles in ‘The Mummy’.

Scarlet Jones Travels: figs ready for drying

We had the hottest July for 3o years so after a long day in the fields or up on the terraces it would be down to the bars, where tables and chairs would overflow into the main street and cars would have to pick their way around chattering groups as they drove down the road.  Children would go out to play at midnight – it was cooler in the dark – and people took to pulling mattresses out onto their terraces and balconies to sleep and a cold shower just to find some respite at 3am became the norm for most of us.

Scarlet Jones Travels: bird’s nest in a cherry tree

Yes,the Catalans work hard but in my next article I shall show you how they also know how to party

 Spaghetti Squash.

This was a new vegetable to me but I shall certainly look out for it in the future.  It resembles a bright yellow honeydew melon and its almost as simple to prepare.

Slice it in half and scoop out the seeds from the middle then microwave both halves for 14 minutes.  When cooked you drag a fork across the flesh – which pulls it out into strands like spaghetti.  Serve as a vegetable on the side, in a salad or as spaghetti with a tomato sauce poured over the top.  Easy, tasty and very very healthy.

What is the Correfoc?

What is the Correfoc?

What is a Correfoc?

The Correfoc is a Catalan fiesta which translates as Fire Run and it’s certainly not an event for the faint-hearted or for those of a nervous disposition!


parading in the narrow streets

The ‘colles de diables‘ or groups of devils wear costumes decorated with intricate designs, all slightly different and I would imagine costing quite a bit of money to make.  Others wear capes and evil looking devil masks and they all parade in the dark accompanied by groups of drummers who beat out a steady refrain.

The ‘devils’ move to the beat in a shuffley sort of a dance and they carry pitchforks or frameworks like big chandeliers above their heads with spitting, spinning roman candles mounted on top of them and then the devils dash towards the crowds spraying bystanders with sparks.  As the fireworks burn out they blast high into the air with loud bangs and the night is filled with smoke and the smell of gunpowder.

Correfoc 1

posing before it gets dark

The dancing devils are accompanied by men in dragon costumes who have fireworks attached to the dragons’ backs and who snort fire at everybody as they weave their way along the streets of the towns and the villages.

see the video here of the dragons

I took part in a Correfoc fiesta in a little Catalan mountain town, where the narrow cobbled streets echoed and crashed with noise and there was nowhere to run.  Cowering under trees then dashing forwards when there was  clear space, we followed the procession – fire running – to the square in front of the church where the devils regrouped  and doused themselves with water, before returning along a different route for their amazing finale.

correfoc 3

the Correfoc is quite a spectacle

The whole time, children nip in and out and taunt the devils, wearing their own miniature versions of the costumes, complete with scarfs, hats and fireproof gloves and they are also dampened down at regular intervals.

Background to the fiesta

Surprisingly the Correfoc is not an ancient tradition but it was resurrected after Franco’s rule as a way of establishing a Catalan identity.  Sadly, the EU are doing their best to regiment the events which they claim are dangerous and are trying to ban it or at least turn it into a sanitized show piece with no audience participation.

Yes, it can be dangerous.  Yes, there was a big queue waiting for their injuries to be dressed at the ambulance station.  Yes it was scary but wow, what an experience.

If you are going to attend a Correfoc dress accordingly – wear old clothes and cover your hair, and as for the Health and Safety mob – well, if you are worried, stay at home.

The finale

As the procession reached its finale, all the participants crowded together, tightly packed into the square.  The drumming became more frenzied and everybody crouched low and then jumped up in a ritual dance and then, in a last blast, all of the hoses were lit and night became day.

Click here for the video of the finale

Our fiesta went on for nearly two hours and I don’t think that my pulse stopped racing at all.  I don’t know when I have ever sustained such an adrenaline rush for such a long period of time.  I do know that I was grinning as wildly at the end as I was at the start once I realised that I was probably not going to get burnt to a cinder.

Would I go again?  You bet!

correfoc 2

gunpowder and smoke




Cat Fishing in Catalunya

Cat Fishing in Catalunya

When I was in Catalunya I was offered the chance to go cat fishing on the River Ebro.

Click here to read about my experience

A week later when I was chatting to a random man on the Metro (as I tend to do) and asked what cat fishing was, the word association prompted me to reply ‘fishing for cats’.  Both of us were covered with confusion.

Me – because I knew that I had obviously made a verbal boob

Him – he was obviously wrestling with the thought of my fishing for fluffy kittens and wondering perhaps how wise it was to talk to complete strangers that sat next to him on the train.

You can read my article here – Top Cat Fishing in Catalunyaand find out whether I caught any fish – or indeed – any fluffy little kittens

Waiting for a bite


Exploring the Ebro Delta in Catalunya

Exploring the Ebro Delta in Catalunya

My time in Catalunya, Spain has been spent in some diverse places.  I have climbed mountains and I have relaxed on beaches.  I have eaten countless tapas from the smallest backstreet bars and I have dined in a Michelin Star restaurant.

Contrasting totally with all of my experiences so far in Catalunya, I explored the Ebro (or the Ebre to give it the Catalan spelling) delta.

Read more here about the flamingos, the sunrise and the paddy fields

the boardwalk on one of long beaches


Lloret de Mar and Platja d’Aro

Lloret de Mar and Platja d’Aro

Do you remember the Spanish beach resorts? Maybe it’s time that you revisited them

The beach resorts of Lloret de Mar and Platja d’Aro

The Spanish beach resorts attract millions of tourists every year. Visitor numbers are influenced by the global economic situation, the success and popularity of other destinations and the reputation of the resorts within different groups. Back in the 80’s this coastline began to attract hoards of young holiday makers (sadly the Brits were tarred with a bad reputation although they were no way alone) – the 18-30 set who were hell-bent on getting drunk, sunburnt and sleeping with as many strangers as possible. Many of the resorts attracted large ex-pat communities who wanted a cheaper cost of living, or elderly visitors who were looking for winter sun so there was this curious disparity between what people were hoping to get from the area. When I last visited the holiday resorts of Spain the bars and restaurants screamed ‘Irish Pub’ or ‘British Fish & Chips’.  Karaoke bars, full English breakfasts and bar crawls were the name of the day.  Those things are still there but there has been a not-so-subtle change.

Santa Roma, Lloret de Mar

The resorts have reinvented themselves. They have dragged themselves kicking and screaming into the twenty-first century. Progress and modernity go side by side with culture, history and, in the case of Catalunya, a pride and a desire to reclaim their own specific culture and separate identity.

The beach at Lloret de Mar

Streets have been pedestrianised, museums and experience centres have been revamped and there is a greater emphasis on a more wholesome experience. Regional cuisine across Spain is generally excellent and international dishes can be found just about everywhere.  There is a big emphasis on fish and seafood and all over the country you will find many of the restaurants offering a ‘Menu del Dia’ during the weekday lunch times.  This usually consists of 2 or 3 courses of food plus a drink at a very reasonable price and is extremely popular among the Spanish who treat lunch time with a special reverence and certainly do not rush the meal.

Lloret de Mar

One of the gems of Lloret de Mar is its old town district with narrow streets lined with shops and little bars and restaurants where chairs and tables spill out into the sunshine. A wide promenade backs the beach and the coastal footpath winds its way away from the town and across the cliffs in both directions.  High on one of the cliffs is a monument to the fishermens’ wives, watching out to sea.

statue to the fishermens’ wives

These days Lloret de Mar is establishing itself as an activity resort both on the water and off. Yes, there are still bars and clubs and a wild side but there is another side to Lloret, a side which appeals to hikers and kayakers, climbers and cyclists.  Defined as an ‘urban beach’ tourist destination, the natural attractions are complimented by additional activities and attractions. The town appears affluent because of the money which was initially invested into it by the Indianos or Americanos.  Boatloads of (mainly poor) teenage boys and young men left for Cuba and America in the early 1800s and made their fortunes, mainly in the boat building industries.  They returned with their wealth to marry and to settle in Lloret de Mar, constructing grand villas and houses. p20150502_075752 This link to foreign lands is also reflected in the modernist cemetery and the rather grand Church of Sant Roma with its domes and mosaics.  There are the beautiful cliff top gardens of Santa Clotilda, a comprehensive maritime museum and the Castle of St Joan which watches over the town from its position on the cliffs. There are 13 beaches and coves in the immediate vicinity of the town where you can toast yourself in the sun to your heart’s content whilst if you want to go sightseeing the town has good transport networks to the surrounding towns and Barcelona.

Platja d’Aro

Further up the coast from Lloret de Mar is Platja d’Aro which has a long sandy beach backed by a pleasant promenade and which is lined with hotels, apartments, restaurants and beach bars.  When I was there the sand sculptors were out creating intricate designs from wet sand for an exhibition and the smell of paint was in the air as the bars and cafes prepared themselves for the summer season. But due to the climate and some very clever marketing, Plaja d’Aro has something for everyone all the year around.  It’s also very close to the historic city of Girona with good bus links and it has countless shops and little malls which sell everything that you can think of.

Sand art at Platja d’Aro

Wide pavements and large open spaces as well as the huge stretch of beach, coupled with not too many overly high buildings give the resort an upmarket feel, and what was striking, along with the other places in the region that I visited was the cleanliness and attention to detail which is reflected in the smart paving stones and the eye-catching signs which hang outside the various businesses.

The Hotel Planamar

I was fortunate to stay at the Hotel Planamar which is set right on the beach at Platja d’Aro. It is just a couple of streets back from the main road and a short hop from all of the major shops and bars, but due to its position is nice and quiet at night.

Hotel Planamar, Platja d’Aro

I was pleasantly surprised when I saw my room which was very different to the standard hotel rooms that I remembered from the ‘nineties. The bed was in the centre of the room facing the balcony and behind a small wall was hanging space, a washbasin, a fridge and a large, walk-in shower with constantly changing coloured mood lights. The toilet had a frosted glass door which was a bit bizarre but it did give the impression of light and space. I had a TV, a balcony (with a sea view), good free WIFI and a welcome touch of a complimentary bottle of wine.

My room. Not huge but perfect

I stayed at the Hotel Planamar for 6 nights and breakfast was included during my stay. Breakfast was served buffet style in the comfortable restaurant which overlooked the beach and there was a great selection of hot and cold foods, cereals, fruit, toast and excellent coffee.  Lunch and evening meals are available here too and must have been good because the restaurant was always busy. Below the hotel was a bar where I saw a lively flamenco show one evening and on another night they hosted a musical duo. The bar also serviced the beach restaurant where food was competitively priced. One night I dined by candlelight and ate a tasty lasagne and wine – feeling like Shirley Valentine as I gazed out to sea and I was periodically chatted to by the attentive waiters and bar staff.

Shirley Valentine – the beach is behind me

The rooftop pool and terraces have also been given an upmarket, modern twist. Large double four-poster sun beds add a touch of glamour and there is a small gym inside a glass cube room with views out over the bay.  You can arrange to have a massage or a manicure and the swimming pool is inviting.

Relax in style at the Hotel Planamar

On the ground floor of the hotel there is a comfortable reading area with a TV and a comprehensive library of books to borrow or swap, there is a computer available for guests and a couple of tables and chairs outside by the front door if you want to sit and watch the world go by.

you don’t feel swamped by the tall buildings when you are at the hotel

The staff are very friendly, speak many languages between them, and they will make sure that you have no problems.During my stay the majority of the visitors were from France and there was also a contingent in for the Grand Prix in Barcelona.

Oversized puppets and human towers

Before I finish telling you about this region you may be interested in the gigantes and the castellers. p20150430_185537 Whilst not confined to Catalunya the gigantes are massive puppets styled as people.  If you are of a certain age you may remember the British game show ‘It’s a Knockout and the hilarious costumes?  Well they were styled on the gigantes.  The figures can be several metres tall with giant papier mache heads and elaborate clothing.  They are operated from within by a person who ‘wears’ them on his or her shoulders.  They are a feature of many of the fiestas and while they look totally unreal standing still, when they are moving around they become almost believable in a comedic way. The ‘sport’ of castels is peculiar to Catalunya and is an extravagant team building exercise. Castellers are the people who form these intricate human towers.  The necessary bonds between the participants who build the tower produces a strong social cohesion and with competitions and displays taking place throughout the summer between villages and towns, they build community too.

Castellers in action

The base of the tower spreads itself out with people all having a very specific role to play, muscles are tensed and nobody can drop their guard for a moment.  From this strong base a tower forms with people holding tight to each other and winding hands around the scarfs and belts worn by others.  Once the tower is complete – and they have been known to be 13 levels high (that is higher than a house) the smallest agile children often as young as 4 years old clamber up to the very top where they hold their hands up to symbolise the unfurling of the Catalan flag.

The watching crowd will hold their collective breath as the youngsters slowly make their way back down to safety, followed by the others.  It is not uncommon for the tower to topple or for people to be seriously injured but that doesn’t prevent children following their parents into the sport. The smaller children now wear specially designed helmets – hard on the inside yet padded outside so as not to hurt anybody that they may fall upon.



So forget anything that you remember of these seaside resorts from the 70’s, 80’s and the 90’s.  The entire region has re-branded and dragged itself well and truly into the 21st century.


Travel Tips and Useful Bits

Both Lloret de Mar and Platja d’Aro lie to the north of Barcelona and are served by good bus routes to and from the cities of Barcelona, Girona and the two airports.  They lie on the Coasta Brava – the wild coast which has similarities with the Cornish coastline with rugged cliffs, charming deserted coves and small villages.

You can get some excellent informative maps of the regiona by clicking on this link to the Girona Tourist Guide Map#3 – the Girona Province Map (or Treasure Map) shows the entire region and has information on the major points of interest as well as many suggested routes.

If you have access to a car you may like to follow the Garden Route, the Castle Route or the Volcano and Lake Route to name but a few. This information, plus much more is available at the Girona Tourist Guide but you should also check out the official site at the Girona Tourist Board

During the Temps de Flors (the Girona Flower Festival) maps are available with every official floral display marked on them.  You can pick one of these up at the Tourist Office in Girona or from one of the many guides who are on the streets during the festival.

One of the displays at the Temps de Flors


Temps de Flors;  The Girona Flower Festival

Temps de Flors; The Girona Flower Festival

This year was the 60th anniversary of the Temps de Flors – the Girona Flower Festival.


Arriving early in the morning there was little evidence of any sort of a festival as I made my way towards the historic city centre from the bus station.

Passing a large building I poked my head into the courtyard and I was amazed to see oranges hanging down from a trellis and tiny little trees in pots.  I wasn’t quite sure what to make of this as the security guard beckoned me inside for a closer look.

pp1Bemused, I continued on my way, crossing over the Eiffel Bridge (yes, designed by the one and only Mr Eiffel) and wondering at the outsized flowers which had been tethered in the river


P1160400I picked up a map from the tourist office and I tried to work out the best route to follow.  I discovered that there were more than 125 official displays which were marked with numbered plaques and countless other floral installations dotted around the city.P1160178


P1160297Shops and businesses, churches and civic buildings, private houses and parks had all joined in to celebrate flowers and all things floral.

There were carpets of flowers cascading down steps in front of churches and alleyways.



pp7There were formal displays inside churches and the Arab Baths, inside museums and the city hall.





P1160205The air was heavy with the scent of flowers and pollen drifted visibly around.


Parks and gardens, beautiful in their own right were topped up with funky and colourful art installations




P1160357Patis – patios and courtyards, normally hidden behind wooden doors had been opened up by residents so that you could wander around or you could peer through gates and bars into a private world which had been transformed into something spectacular.





Cloisters were jam packed with displays and with tourists who slowly moved around in the scorching sun, queuing to get into the highlighted ‘must visit’ spaces and craning necks over the crowds to see.




P1160202Restaurants had special menus to celebrate the festival, ice cream shops had huge queues and people rested in any shady place that they could find



pp6I walked the city walls and looked down on the narrow streets.  I climbed towers and I rested by cool pools .  I sat and listened to a soul band and drank vermouth with a friend




P1160378I tied a ribbon onto a tree and I made a wish and then I stood and entranced, I listened to the haunting beautiful sounds of a cappella group

pp8And then as the sun began to turn the old stone buildings soft ambers and dove greys I took one last look at the river and I made my way back to the bus station



P1160343I will be returning to Girona.  I hope to see the huge trilogy of paintings by Quim displayed somewhere in the city.  I want to spend time in the fascinating museums and learn more about the Arab Baths.  I want to see another Temps de Flores



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