I missed you…

Hot bubble baths.  With candles, music, a glass of wine and a good book

I will miss you not…

Cold showers.  Except for on the Carribean coast where even the sea was as hot as a warm bath and I craved a cold shower.

Playa Blanca, Colombia

Playa Blanca, Colombia

I missed you…

Blue cheese.  Cheddar, Brie, Camembert and Caerphilly.  Red Leicester, Stilton and Double Gloucester.

I will miss you not…

Arepas.  A staple food form in Colombia made from maize.  Yuck yuck and yuck

guinea pig

no, its not cheese


I missed you…

My friends and family.  Thank goodness for Skype, Viber, WhatsApp and Facebook

I will miss you not…

Cockroaches.  Enuff said!

I missed you…

A hot spicy mouth-burning, nose running Madras curry

I will miss you not…

The stomach churning smell of chicken hearts roasting on barbeques in the streets of Peru

hairdrying the hot coals

hairdrying the hot coals

I missed you…

The simple yet hauntingly beautiful sound of a blackbird at dawn or a robin

I will miss you not…

Vultures.  Hooded, sinister and ever watchful I always feel as if they have a sixth sense that I am about to keel over and I will be their next meal

demons of death

I miss you South America




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